Shannon and I have similar mood cycles. Whenever I finish a project or she starts a new cycle of birth control we turn into weepy bitter suicidal grump monsters. The worst part about it is that neither of us recognize it in ourselves, we can only see the problem in the other person. But if I were to say, "You're only weepy because of birth control" or if she were to say, "You only wish you were dead because you finished a big project and have just been sitting around wasting good art hours" I don't think it would be taken very well.
I finished my commissions, I bought some wood to make stretchers, and then I just goofed off during the holidays. For the last week I have been 50% more grumpy than usual. In the middle of some blog entry about how I am all out of sorts due to something or something else, I realized why I am really grumpy and wish for death to come quickly and take me to a better place...I need a new project.
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