Friday, May 04, 2007

Art has become something very different for me in the last few years. Everything cool about it ended at 19 when StarBucks was invented. I told Shannon last night as we left a show at the Blue Spiral that when I am interviewed by Charlie Rose I am going to say that I keep on making work because each painting is such an utter failure that all I can do to keep from being depressed is to keep on working. I find myself going to shows and only looking at the frames that hold paintings, "I wonder if they make their own frames" or "did they spay paint this or brush it" are questions that take up space in my head. Being an artist is great but its not so great, in my next life I think I should become a farmer. I can remember when I was very small having a great desire to work in such a way that I could focus intently on what I was doing without the distraction of other people around me, artist, farmer, small engine repair shop, etc. etc.