I have been longing for a cultural night on the town. I missed Pavarotti, never saw him in concert, my chance is gone. Still there are great things to be seen in the country.I saw a huge bear walk down the driveway while shipping packages at work. Turkey's drop by all the time, and my chickens I see everyday. I just planted a perennial garden and can watch it grow unhindered by city smog. I have always been torn between the urban life and the country. Which do I really prefer teriyaki chicken or peeing off my front porch? Lately I have been missing the chicken, sold on every corner in Seattle. I was considering going to Art Basil in Miami this year but because Maisy will be born in November and it is held in December I think I will wait until the next one. In the meantime surfing the Net and my De Kooning book will have to get me by.
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