I've gone through a lot of phases trying to make a living with my hands. for a short period a few years ago I became a traditional chair maker. Thats right, I thought that I could set up a cabin in the woods, cut down small White Oak trees and make them into chairs. Shannon, went right along with it knowing full well that the idea would work its self out. It's not as great a leap as one might think. My great grandfather Guy Bump made chairs most of his life. For a brief period my dad, also a painter, researched making chairs. I however actually made a post and rung chair. I spent lots of time learning about traditional chair making. I went out into the woods and cut down a White Oak tree, split it into cords and shaved them down to rungs. I spent lots of money on tools and converted my studio into a wood shop. Somewhere between my brain and my hand the small detail of making the joints tight enough for someone to sit-on never translated. The chair is beautifull. It sits in my studio today but could never be sat upon without falling completely apart. I went back to painting.
Thursday, March 30, 2006
I've gone through a lot of phases trying to make a living with my hands. for a short period a few years ago I became a traditional chair maker. Thats right, I thought that I could set up a cabin in the woods, cut down small White Oak trees and make them into chairs. Shannon, went right along with it knowing full well that the idea would work its self out. It's not as great a leap as one might think. My great grandfather Guy Bump made chairs most of his life. For a brief period my dad, also a painter, researched making chairs. I however actually made a post and rung chair. I spent lots of time learning about traditional chair making. I went out into the woods and cut down a White Oak tree, split it into cords and shaved them down to rungs. I spent lots of money on tools and converted my studio into a wood shop. Somewhere between my brain and my hand the small detail of making the joints tight enough for someone to sit-on never translated. The chair is beautifull. It sits in my studio today but could never be sat upon without falling completely apart. I went back to painting.
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