I am totally excited about the work of Penelope, her art is so great that it is affecting the work I am doing, and how I see my own paintings progress. I recognize some of the illustrative aspects of my own work and am enhancing that quality. I am looking at a lot of illustrative work because illustrators seem to be computer savvy. They have cool websites. My paintings have gone white and drawing is becoming more important. I finished a painting that is mostly white and cream and has bottles drawn all over it. Where is my color going?
On another note: Shannon was verbally accosted in the park by a bum in a ball cap. She was jogging in the park to blow off steam from a day's work, when a man in a blue suit edged a little too close for comfort, asking for directions to the local watering hole. She told him she didn't know, brushing the lad off, when from his mouth came the most vulgar trail of pornographic utterance that has ever spewed from the mouth of any poor perverted juvenile. I might add here that months earlier, I told Shannon she shouldn't walk that area for fear of just such a pervert (just saying). I don't know what the guy said, and I don't want to know. Let me tell you that it warranted a call to the police (no help).
As I passed the park on the way to my studio today, I looked for a shifty-eyed, loose-lipped bum in a ball cap so that I could punch him in the gut but there were none to be found.
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