This blog is about to change gears again because I have to finish everything I can on the house this weekend. I received some commission work and must get it done on a short schedule. Some of the paintings are going to be quite large, and if I do not get going on them there is some danger of paint not drying in time for installation. The house is going on hold but luckily I finished the bulk of the job. I moved my studio over on Saturday last. We painted a large wall white and hung track lighting so that I can work off the wall instead of my easel, which is too small for the job. I have some big ideas on how I might meld my collage work with my oil paintings, hence the image I have posted, which lets you into my thoughts on the direction I plan to take in my future painting. Imagine the collage above as a 6' x 8' oil painting, some of the squares could have images in them just like they do in the collages I have been doing. These commissions are based off the works I made a year ago, grid stuff like BAD HATS, so I don't think I will be able to start this new direction until next year.
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