Sunday, September 03, 2006

I have been working super hard at gutting our new house. The realtor came by the day after we bought it to give us a key and take down the for sale sign; she was shocked at all I had already done. We closed on the house at noon and by 3:00pm I had one room gutted. I have pictures, but left my camera at the house. I'll post some images soon. This house has at least three layers of plastic, shag and muck on top of original beauty. I am working morning to night peeling back the layers to reveal things like hardwood floors, beadboard ceilings, and handmade cabinets. I really love this kind of work. I have realized that I am truly motivated by beauty. Money is not enough for me to want to work hard, I need a project that I can truly get behind and then I will really crank it out.